Gone shopping?

Gone shopping?
Or has no new shoes changed our habits?

Sunday 25 February 2007

Take something up for Lent

Five days in and missing the Belgium bun with icing and a cherry on top that I like to have at work on my coffee break. Going to find the making my own lunch hard as I'm used to just grabbing something from the staff canteen.
Should say at this point that I don't work for the Methodist Church, although I am a Methodist. I am a nurse working in one of London's Teaching Hospitals.
I have always liked the idea for Lent of taking something up, along with giving up things. So in that vein I have made cookies this week (going 6 weeks without buying biscuits spurs you on) and have just tried making bread again. I used to make bread a lot, but since returning to work after maternity leave I'd got out of the habit. I don't know what happened - it didn't raise and began to burn to the side of the tin. So I'm going to try again later.


1 comment:

Michaela said...

Welcome Angela. the Belgian Bun sounds like a real sacifice - they do good buns and chocolate the Belgians! It's been great not spending time over the weekend at shopping centres, though we did have to buy Tamsin new school shoes (definitely not a luxury). To make up for my take-away curry withdrawal symptons Sandy made a great chicken curry tonight but we haven't got as far as the home-made bread yet. He makes pretty wonderful ginger biscuits though, so we might be up for bartering when you get your bread-making skills back!